Dec. 11, 1995.
Here is some information I found on my hard drive, just
lurking there.
John Winston.
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The purpose of our Earth, and our relation with the Pleiadians, et al.
I found an interesting excerpt in the book "UFO Contact from the Pleiades" (which I found quite inspiring) that I would like to share as an explanation for the big picture of us Earthlings, our relation with the aliens who visit us, and the universe surrounding us:
"Three years ago when I was examining the possibilities of the Pleiadian story, I came across the work of the Laboratoire de Recherche A. Kranninem of Bruxelles, a think tank, who had spent years in exhaustive study of the origin of UFO's. I combined essential parts of this study with observed data in two very specific UFO cases, in an unpublished manuscript entitled, "An Origin For UFOs".
"This study demonstrated quite conclusively that SPACE IS THE NATURAL HABITAT OF EVOLVED INTELLIGENT LIFE, that events in the life cycles of solar systems and their planets are such that the hospitable life-bearing stage of a planet is comparatively short, and that the intelligent creatures developed must produce a technology and eventually leave the planet if they are to survive. Once this step is mastered they live in huge "mother-ships", artificial worlds, of their own creation perfectly adapted to their own need and constantly maintained and perfected by them. In their artificial environment they con control all elements of atmospheric condition, nourishment, disease, radiation, exposure, etc., and succeed in prolonging their physical livess substantially. They produce all that they need by condensation of the matter of space.
"The artificial worlds are entirely self-sufficient and depend on no other planet or physical body for support. They are maintained and cruise space indefinitely. The life aboard these huge ships is almost ideal, and they experience little of the social and economic pressures of a growing society.
"In this sense a planet may be likened to an incubator -- a nest where humanity is born and evolves to early maturity and then leaves the nest, never to return. To return would amount to a step backwards and is no more likely than an adult bird returning to its nest or birth. Who wants to take any completed steps all over again?
"These mature adults then spend a considerable amount of their time examining and studying yoounger societies still on their worlds, taking part in active prepatation of other planets for life, and in seeding and nurturing such life when the planet is ready.
"Now this sounds very much like the story told to Eduard Meier by the Pleiadian cosmonauts, and I have verified that Meier knows nothing of the think tank research, and they know nothing of him, or at least they did not at the time I was in contact with them."
Hey, I get it! Our collective Earth race is a macrocosmic example of a child learning and still living under the protection of their mother. Hey Pleiadians and all you other aliens out there that have been working with us Earthlings so patiently and compassionately in our collective youth: Even if it may not seem like it, trust that in spite of our times of war and corruption, that slowly we of Earth are learning the ways of love, and will eventually advance into maturity, spiritually and well as technologically, so we may in harmony and peace consciously work with you all in the furthering of our divine Creation!
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What do these aliens want from us anyway?
Satsang with Dr. Earlyne - An Answer to End the Confusion
Q: I've read many articles and listened to many tapes wherein it was stated the ET's having bald heads, small bodies and big eyes are dangerous, destructive and intend to enslave and manipulate humans. Would you please comment on this issue as I'm very confused as to what to believe.
A: I keep receiving letters about this very subject.
I've answered this same question before in a previous
Satsang but many must still be confused. I repeat:
At one of my Fire Initiation ceremonies I told the audience
that the aliens are an Angelic race. But, they come
from different planets and we are their offspring.
They came to Earth many years ago and they created
the Homosapiens by mating with Earthians. The mating
almost wiped out the Neanderthal race. Everything the
ET's have done has been for our good.
The aliens called the "Grays" have frightened so many people. These Grays are humanized robots. The Master aliens have taken the robot and implanted enough intelligence and human parts into the brain and body of the robot that it has been partially humanized. They have programmed the robot to fly spaceships. Flying by remote control from the mother ship, they man the spaceships.
Some speakers keep telling people these Grays plan to come swarming in and enslave us. This simply isn't true. They've been flying spaceships in our skies since 1947. Couldn't they already have done it? Please don't be afraid. They are planning to do no such thing. They are abducting some people, true. But they have a pure motive. They are taking the sperm of the Earthian male and the ovum of the female. They impregnate a female Earthian with the sperm of a male alien. Then in the midst of the pregnancy they remove the child from the uterus. I've written about this in one of my books. They are bringing about hybrid children for the purpose of creating a superior race to help save the planet. They want there to be born among us children like Nikola Tesla. They are coming into our midst with a mother here and a father on a distant planet or a father here and a mother there in space.
When the real aliens make themselves known and seen - the magnificent beings who manipulate the humanized robots, the grays - we will see an entirely different approach to the aliens. So pray and don't be afraid. You are an Astarian!! The only thing that can really save us and our planet is to have these advanced souls coming among us. So be grateful they are here. Be grateful for the abductions which result in a higher type of child. How wonderful it would be to have a few thousand souls like Nikola Tesla here to change the world. Perhaps they could force our government to allow a new type of energy to manifest - solar energy for instance. Cars that operate on water instead of gasoline - so many things they can and will do. Pray for the day the real aliens make themselves known. It will be like a Second Coming - forerunners of the return of J----!
- Dr. Earlyne
Part 1.
John Winston.